Blog | Petr Vlasák

Překvápkem roku je Shore od Fleet Foxes

Rok Zero bude pomalu za chvíli pryč, a hudebně byl opět výživnej. Pravda trošku jinak, než jsme bývali zvyklí. Korona a karantény s tím vším, nejen v hudbě pěkně zamávali. Překvapivé nahrávky a „tajné“ koncerty fungovaly už dlouho dřív. Letos mi přišlo, že těch překvapení bylo nějak víc (ve všech směrech). Jedním z nich, a obzvlášť povedených je kolekce písní „Shore“ od Fleet Foxes.

Parta muzikantů původem ze Seattle, songwriteři par excellence, jsou globálními hvězdami již od první regulérní nahrávky (2008) a taky si uměli dát pauzu zhruba 2012-16. Robin Pecknold mezitím studoval  na Columbia University v NYC.

Některé kolekce písní jsou nevyrovnané, nejdou dobře poslouchat v kuse, můžou být trochu jednotvárné. Tahle se krásně poslouchá od začátku do konce, nic tam neruší a pár vrcholů vybočuje, že je chcete poslouchat dokola nebo si z nich udělat zvonění v mobilu.

Can I Believe You

Can I believe you?
Can I believe you?
Can I ever know your mind?
Am I handing you mine?
Do we both confide?

I see it, eat through every word I sow
See what you need to, do you doubt it’s yours?
Now I’m learning the ropes, never get this close
I’ve been wounded before
Hasn’t let me go

It never got less strange, showing anyone just a bare face
If I don’t, well, nothing will change
Staying under my weather all day

Can I believe you when you say I’m good?
I didn’t need to when I wished you would
No it isn’t enough
Never held that much
Now another way up
Been a row too rough

It never got less strange, showing anyone just a bare face
But if I don’t, well, nothing…


Foto ©

Robinův komentář k Shore na stránce vydavatele ANTI – se mi ani nechce překládat:

„Since the unexpected success of the first Fleet Foxes album over a decade ago, I have spent more time than I’m happy to admit in a state of constant worry and anxiety. Worried about what I should make, how it will be received, worried about the moves of other artists, my place amongst them, worried about my singing voice and mental health on long tours. I’ve never let myself enjoy this process as much as I could, or as much as I should. I’ve been so lucky in so many ways in my life, so lucky to be born with the seeds of the talents I have cultivated and lucky to have had so many unreal experiences. Maybe with luck can come guilt sometimes. I know I’ve welcomed hardship wherever I could find it, real or imagined, as a way of subconsciously tempering all this unreal luck I’ve had. By February 2020, I was again consumed with worry and anxiety over this album and how I would finish it. But since March, with a pandemic spiraling out of control, living in a failed state, watching and participating in a rash of protests and marches against systemic injustice, most of my anxiety around the album disappeared. It just came to seem so small in comparison to what we were all experiencing together. In its place came a gratitude, a joy at having the time and resources to devote to making sound, and a different perspective on how important or not this music was in the grand scheme of things. Music is both the most inessential and the most essential thing. We don’t need music to live, but I couldn’t imagine life without it. It became a great gift to no longer carry any worry or anxiety around the album, in light of everything that is going on. A tour may not happen for a year, music careers may not be what they once were. So it may be, but music remains essential. This reframing was another stroke of unexpected luck I have been the undeserving recipient of. I was able to take the wheel completely and see the album through much better than I had imagined it, with help from so many incredible collaborators, safe and lucky in a new frame of mind.“

FF na FB –

Od 4.prosince to má navíc Bandcampovou edici s nahranými jednotlivými nástroji, zajímavé a rozsah circa dvouleté práce na těchto nahrávkách je ještě detailnější.

Ohlasy v recenzích –

Robin a jak hrát některé nové písně –

FF na Spotify

Přejme si všichni lepší ro(c)k, ať hudba zase volně a neomezeně zní …

