Předevčírem měl své první sólo vystoupení v Praze její manžel Peter. Když tu hrál poprvé, předskakoval J. Jóhannssona a v Rudolfinu přišel na scénu s houslemi v ruce o chvíli později než Greg Haines, počítám, že si ho skoro nikdo ani nevšiml. A tak se i poznali, když mu předskakovala na miniturné Irskem. Narozená v Londýně, od 12 let (a teď opět zpět) v Galway Irsku, věk decentně nezveřejňuje. Zítra vydává své regulérní druhé CD The Two Worlds.
I´m Grateful
Don´t Shut Me Up (Politely)
So You´ve Seen My Limit
On My Own With You
Is My Presence In The Room Enough For You?
Down On The Ground (https://youtu.be/KBaKhn94GuE)
Peace Backing Us Up
How´s Your New Home?
The Two Worlds (https://youtu.be/A_3L25Yz8Pw)
Let Me Go Now
Texty zatím nejsou k dispozici, ale už podle názvů skladeb budou nepochybně zajímavé. Vystačme si s některými staršími, třeba nádherná balada Sometimes (https://youtu.be/x7DNwwnnUnw), kterou na posledním svém CD Partners předělal i Peter (https://youtu.be/m6B3KE-MIkE):
Sometimes I just want to collapse into you, you
But I don’t know if you want me to
Or, if I should?
Shouldn’t I be okay out here on my own?
Living in my little home?
No needs from others, doing it all by myself
Before I would’ve escaped into arms, too quickly
But touch is still necessary
So hold me now, tell me it’s okay
And I’ll tell you the same
Sometimes I…I just want to collapse into you
So as to ground me
Like hugging a tree
You’re part of the earth that helps balance me
a nebo I Left Myself For A While (https://youtu.be/gaU-1Qoj8n4)
I left for a while…
I left myself for a while, for a while, for a while
I do that sometimes, it’s an old habit of mine, to get by
Then I see you, you bring me back
You remind me of who, who I am
You show me, how much that I’ve
Watered myself down in day to day life
Your voice
Your eyes
You transport me
I’ll leave myself again I’m sure
But I know how to get back
I’ll embrace both sides
One that wants to fly
And the one that wants to stay at base
a ještě
I Don´t Know How To Do This Naturally (https://soundcloud.com/oscarson/brigid-mae-power-i-dont-know-how-to-do-this-naturally)
I don’t know, how to do this naturally
I’m used to fighting, and screaming
And put downs from the ones you keep close
But that never felt right to me
I’ll leave it behind, that negativity… now
I know no methods, or how-to’s
I’m empty when it comes to you
How do I not push, not lose
alespoň pro malou představu, o čem Brigid různě zpívá …
Novou kolekci písní produkoval Peter, nahráli ji v Irsku a Brigid ji docela obsažně komentuje (zvl. skladbu Don´t Shut Me Up a její natáčení) na stránkách vydavatelství https://www.tompkinssquare.com/brigid-mae-power-worlds.html
„I had been thinking about my Grandmother a lot, so there are a couple of songs about her.. I’d been thinking about lost friendships. I’d been thinking about how to balance being settled and also being up in the clouds. I’d been thinking a lot about cutting out the crap and letting go of things that don’t serve you, so I feel like these songs are pretty direct. I wanted them to sound direct too and the studio Analogue Catalogue was the perfect place and had a great sound and live room…. When we went up there the second time to record the other batch of songs, it was a very busy time in our life and I hadn’t finished writing the lyrics to a lot of them. Not as a choice – I just literally didn’t have time. So when we got there I thought I would just try them out anyway and as a natural procrastinator I was much happier with the sound of the result of being pushed to the last minute. Peter added in different instruments really naturally and then mixed and mastered the record. ‚I’m Grateful‘ was written in Oregon and for me I can tell that it wasn’t written in Ireland. The rest of the album feels quite like what my environment looks like here at the moment out of my window.“ |
a rovněž vše doplňuje v rozličných rozhovorech (nejčerstvěji http://read.tidal.com/article/coming-up-brigid-mae-power nebo starší https://www.npr.org/sections/world-cafe/2016/08/16/490000447/brigid-mae-power-on-world-cafe).
Debutovku z 2016 lze poslechnout třeba tu. Pár ofiko videí tady a lze hledat asi i jinde.
A protože kampaň #MeToo se netýká jen Hollywoodu, celkem nedávno se k ní přihlásila i Brigid, s tím, že „můj post k tomu, byl tím největším dárkem, který jsem si dala“.
„I’m very nervous about sharing this but at the same time a burden feels lifted. TRIGGER WARNING- Please don’t read this is you are easily triggered by stories of abuse.. I completely understand if it’s too much for you. Anyway, I have been writing this for a couple of weeks and I feel ready to share it, for my own healing and incase it might help anyone else in anyway and also to break the myths around women being ‘mad’ or ‘insane’ for being abused..and lastly to encourage survivors. this can happen to anyone..“
a ještě zástupce vydavatele Tompkins Square k témuž:
„I don’t usually have the opportunity to say something political about the music I put out, but in the case of Brigid Mae Power’s new single, I think this song may resonate with any woman who’s been gaslit, mansplained to, paid less, bullied, sexually harassed by a C-List celebrity or famous movie producer, had her birth control systematically taken away, or told she had to go to another country or across state lines to get an abortion.“
Foto © Peter Broderick
Písně Brigid Mae Power vám můžou připomínat třeba Joni Mitchell, Lindu Perhacs a další písničkářky až ze 70.let, z těch současných mj. Beth Orton, Chantal Acdu, Alelu Diane, Jessicu Pratt nebo úplně nejčerstvěji The Weather Station a určitě X dalších. Lehce zasněný nu-folk místy s hlubším textem či alespoň inspirací. Jedna z hudebních událostí v kategorii folk tohoto roku.